Let's Defend: Malicious Doc
Challenge Link: https://app.letsdefend.io/challenge/malicious-doic
Question 1
What type of exploit is running as a result of the relevant file running on the victim machine?
My first move after unzipping the challenge file was to upload the file to VirusTotal for some quick info.
VirusTotal quickly pickup on this being a malicious document. There were several references to the document containing an RTF exploit. I also found several possible CVE numbers related to the exploit.
turned out to be the answer the question was looking for after attempting a few things.
Question 2
What is the relevant Exploit CVE code obtained as a result of the analysis?
This was also found in the screenshot above.
Question 3
What is the name of the malicious software downloaded from the internet as a result of the file running?
I next went to the Behavior tab in the VirusTotal results. I scanned through the Network Communication section and found a GET
request that downloads an EXE called jan2.exe
Question 4
What is the IP address and port information it communicates with?
In the previous question I also noted that the domain in the URL was seed-bc.com
. Further down in the Network Communication results was a section for IP Traffic.
One on the list stuck out to me because it had a domain name associated with it.
Question 5
What is the exe name it drops to disk after it runs?
I kept scrolling down through the results until I found a section called Files Dropped. It had a drop down arrow that I clicked to reveal the full section. I then scanned through the full results looking for a .exe
I discovered an entry with %APPDATA%\aro.exe